
Welcome. I am not a former dancer and I have never been to Mysore. I am an artist, painting professor and long-time Ashtanga practitioner who tries to keep up a daily practice of yoga to stave off the aches and pains of middle-age. If I have gained any wisdom about this practice it has come from some wonderful teachers and from my own experiences on the mat over a long number of years.
- Michael Rich

Teaching Schedule

All classes are open to all levels of practitioners and new students are always welcome.

Bristol Yoga Studio, Bristol RI
Thursdays, 6:30 PM: Ashtanga, all levels

Class Descriptions
Ashtanga Yoga class is an exploration of the principles, postures and connecting movements of the Ashtanga series.  The emphasis in all my teaching is on the breath, the bandhas and the meditative qualities of the mala or "garland" of postures strung on the breath in sequence.  Finding proper alignment in the postures for each body type and level of practitioner is key to opening the channels of energy needed to experience the subtle healing qualities of the practice.  I believe and have directly experienced Ashtanga yoga as a transformative practice and a welcoming gateway to the eight limbs of classical yoga.  Any level of practitioner is welcome and will find an individualized practice within the dynamic energy of the group.  Ashtanga yoga can be vigorous but should never be aggressive - it can be challenging but should never be harmful in any way.  In class we will practice the foundational postures of the primary series but may often explore the great backbending sequences of the intermediate series, balancing and "challenge" postures of the later series and other "working" postures which may help to make the practice more accessible over time.  I am a committed, long-time ashtanga practitioner and have found this approach to the practice to be wonderfully rich and beautifully designed to accompany the dedicated practitioner over time as their journey through yoga unfolds.  I am not however, a fundamentalist and explore in my practice and teaching with a playful and curious attitude.

Mysore class is in the same format as in Mysore, India.  Students of all levels practice together, working individually on a series of postures with guidance and adjustments from the teacher.  One need not know the practice or be an advanced practitioner to attend Mysore.  In fact, Mysore class is a great place to begin your yoga practice as you can receive highly individualized instruction within the dynamic atmosphere of a group class.  Students may arrive at any time from 6:45 to 7:45 AM and practice for any amount of time up to 9 AM.  The idea of self practice within a community is at the heart of the Ashtanga yoga tradition.

Led Primary classes are taught with traditional counting and sequencing found in the Ashtanga yoga Primary series.  However, some liberties might be taken as we may linger over some postures to provide additional instruction or explore a thematic focus to the class.  As there is always further to go, I like to think of the led class as "working toward" the Primary series as I offer modifications for postures and "working" postures which might help a student in preparing to master particular asanas or connecting movement sequences.  At times we may explore parts of the intermediate series, particularly the back bending sequences if appropriate and beneficial for the group.